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泸沽湖位于四川省凉山彝族自治州盐源县与云南省丽江市宁蒗彝族自治县之间,是国家4A级景区。泸沽湖面积50多平方千米,海拔2690米,平均水深45米,最深处达93米,透明度高达11米,最大能见度为12米,湖水清澈蔚蓝,是云南海拔最高的湖泊,也是中国最深的淡水湖之一。湖中有5个全岛、三个半岛和一个海堤连岛,形态各异,翠绿如玉。泸沽湖四周崇山峻岭,一年有三个月以上的积雪期。森林资源丰富,山清水秀,空气清新,景色迷人,泸沽湖被当地摩梭人奉为“母亲湖”。也被人们誉为“蓬莱仙境”。气候冬暖夏凉、四季如春,月平均温度为17度左右且降水较少。 在这美妙绝伦的湖光山色之间,生活着国内外罕见的延续着母系氏族特点的摩梭人,那独特的“阿夏”婚姻、自然而原始的民俗风情,为这片古老的土地染上了一层神秘而美丽的色彩,被称为神奇的东方女儿国。泸沽湖不仅以其自然生态美而使人流连忘返,而且以其特有的风俗民情引人入胜。摩梭姑娘温柔善良、摩梭小伙质朴帅气、摩梭歌声沁人心境……那里还有香甜的酥油茶、醇美的苏里玛酒、可口的猪膘肉,让您回味无穷。这里是人们心中理想的王国,仙境般的山水,和谐的人际关系,没有压力和竞争的悠闲的生活,令您忘却繁华都市中窒息的空气,静静地和家人一起度过惬意的假期。

As a 4-A tourist attraction, Lugu Lake is located between Yanyuan County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province and Ninglang Yi Autonomous County, Lijiang City of Yunnan Province. The lake has a water spread area of over 50 square kilometers, an elevation of 2,690 meters above the sea level and an average depth of 45 meters. The maximum depth in the lake is 93 meters. The transparency below its surface reaches 11 meters and the maximum visibility amounts to 12 meters. With its clear and blue water, it is the highest lake in Yunnan Province and also one of the deepest freshwater lakes in China. The lake has five islands, three peninsulas, and one island linked to a seawall. With different shapes, they look like green jades. The lake is encircled with steep hills and is covered with snow for more than three months a year. It has rich forest resource, green hills, limpid waters, fresh air and charming landscapes. Therefore, it is called “The Mother Lake” by the local Mosuos. Also it is called “The Penglai Fairyland”. With warm winters and cool summers, its climate is like spring all the year round. Its average monthly temperature is roughly 17 Celsius degrees and it has little rainfall. In the appealing lake and hills, the Mosuos live. They inherit the matriarchal culture, which is rare both inside and outside this country. The unique Azu marriage, a natural and primitive custom, adds a mysterious and beautiful atmosphere to this ancient land, which is called “the Magic Kingdom of Women in the Orient”. People are appealed by its natural ecological beauty as well as its unique customs. There are tender and kind Mosuo girls, simple and handsome young men, melodious songs… in addition, there are many fantastic foods and drinks with endless aftertaste, including sweet Tibet butter tea, mellow Sulima beer and delicious fat pork. This is people's ideal kingdom, which has fairy landscapes, harmonious interpersonal relationship, leisure life free of any pressure and competition. It helps you forget the choking air of metropolis and spend pleasant holidays quietly with your families.


Lugu Lake has four grass seas in different sizes. The lake is embellished with the grass seas which increase beauty and brilliance by mutual reflection. The beauty of the grass seas, one of the great landscapes in the lake, is embodied in the grass, the seas, the water, the birds, the bridge and the people. The grass seas mainly spread to the northern border and northeastern border of the lake. There are two seas in Sichuan and Yunnan respectively. However, in Sichuan are situated the largest two seas, whose coverage is about 7 square kilometers and both of which lie to the two sides of Luguhu Town, Yanyuan County of Sichuan Province.


During autumn and winter seasons, a great amount of birds migrate to the grass seas with wild ducks accounting for the largest population. During these seasons, a great amount of birds are found here, which presents the scene in which birds are not disturbed by people's arrival. Visitors who row deep into the grass seas will find wild ducks in their natural habitat, searching for food or simply playing, and yet more ducks in the skies overhead add a dynamic element to the otherwise serene scene.


The bridge across the grass seas is beautiful. The two sides of the grass seas are connected with a bridge, which divides the seas in two parts. The bridge is made of wood and below it are the green grass seas. A poetic picture is formed with birds flying overhead, insects buzzing in the green grass, pig-trough boats gliding across the bridge, and people dressed in various ethnic costumes walking on the bridge.


People by the grass seas are more beautiful. The primary inhabitant of the grass seas is the Mosuos. A small number of Yi, Han, and Tibetans also live here. All nationalities here form a large and harmonious family. They live together with the grass seas throughout many summers and winters. Here, they work, graze their cattle, find romance and give birth... People here take the grass seas as their habitat. Songs from the lake are frequently heard. A splendid scene is found, in which people with various ethnic costumes are carrying water, washing clothes, planting grass.


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